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targetzone™ technology

Desensitizes only the areas you want, for a more pleasurable experience.

customizable to your needs

Choose the number of sprays you use for more or less desensitization.

targetzone™ technology

Desensitizes only the areas you want, for a more pleasurable experience.

How to Apply

shake gently

Before each use, shake your Promescent bottle gently.

Apply and rub in

Most men start with 3 sprays. Hold the nozzle close to your penis and spray on the most sensitive parts, the frenulum and underside of the shaft.

wait 10 minutes

Allow Promescent to absorb fully to get maximum climax control and prevent transference to your partner. May we suggest a little foreplay to pass the time?


Before each use, shake your Promescent bottle gently.

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may help you remember names and places, focus on complex tasks, and improve your mental speed in response to stimuli. Whether it is a work project, a social gathering, or an athletic performance, taking Alpha BRAIN is like another gear for your brain.†

Research suggests that

What Causes the Refractory Period?

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How many opportunities to make a great point or make your friends laugh pass you by because that word gets stuck on the tip of your tongue? What could you accomplish if you could apply unwavering focus to any task you wanted? Two double blind clinical trials conducted by the Boston Center for Memory showed improvements vs placebo in memory, brainwave patterns, and focus.† 


n, adj: dietary supplement that helps support certain brain functions, such as memory, mental speed, and focus.†


The Clinical Study

