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Sex, The Way It Should Be.

what our customers have to say:

Just what the doctor ordered.

“One of the main benefits of Promescent is that it’s a local therapy; it’s not systemic. Patients don’t experience the nausea, dizziness or headache as with oral therapy. I offer Promescent as first-line therapy to all of my patients with premature ejaculation.”

"It took years of research and development and some of the best minds in the Urological Community to land on what is now Promescent. You see, Promescent is not just another delay spray, it’s not another gimmick and it’s definitely not your average delay spray. It’s truly a new experience backed by clinical research and science to make a better you - especially in the bedroom."

"In the past, I prescribed anti-depressants, and patients responded well to them. But the side effects are very severe. Patients now are much more satisfied with Promescent and they say to me: 'Everything you've done has helped me ninety or ninety five percent of the time, and my sexual relationship is really very satisfactory.' Promescent has really solved a pressing medical need for the community."

Dr. Mohit Khera, M.D.

Baylor College of Medicine

Dr. Ronald Gilbert, M.D.

Promescent Founder, In Memoriam

Dr. Antonio Alarcon, M.D.

Alarcon Urology Center

Essential Reading For Better Sex.

Promescent Delay Spray in the Media.

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"For men who lasted only seconds, Promescent can extend the time before they ejaculate to almost 4 minutes."

"You can adjust the amount ...... and it won't transfer to your partner."

"MOVE OVER, VIAGRA, There's a new sex drug in town... Many men are now buying Promescent not to treat PE, but to last longer."

"Promescent is one of the few sexual enhancement products on the market that is backed by numerous urologists."

"Effectively decreases penile sensitivity without transmitting any of the agent to a man's partner."

"Recently, you might've seen a product called "Promescent" in the news. It's a spray for guys to put on their junk that can help them last longer in bed. And it's making a bold claim: that it can close the orgasm gap."

"If you've ever had sex with a guy who finishes too quickly, you know how much of a bummer it can be for both of you."

"Use it 10 minutes before sex and double your staying power."

"Promescent provides optimum surface sensation."

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